Features & Specifications .Design & Manufacture: API6D, ANSI B16.34, BS1868 .Bolted Bonnet, Swing Type Disc,Threaded or Welded Seat Ring .Back-seating, Renewable Seat Ring .Full Port Or Reduced Bore .Size Range: 2" to 48"N.B. .Pressure Ratings: ANSI 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, 2500 .End Connections: Flanged, Buttweld, Socket Weld, Hub Connectors, Compact Flange or other proprietary connections.
.Materials Available in: WCB,LCB,CF8,CF8M,CF3,CF3M,WC6,WC9, C5,C12 or Equivalent, Available also in low temperature steels, low alloy steels, stainless steels, duplex type stainless steels and other exotic materials; Various trim materials available to suit service conditions
.Actuations: Manual
.To MR 0175 and MR 103 Upon Request